Dropbox Adapter

Wrapper for Spatie Dropbox v2 adapter with Joomla events support.

  1. Usage
  2. Events

1. Usage

To use the adapter programmatically you can use:


use Spatie\Dropbox\Client;
use Phproberto\Joomla\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Phproberto\Joomla\Flysystem\Adapter\Dropbox;

$client = new Client($authorizationToken);

$adapter = new Dropbox($client);

$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

2. Events

Global events.

These events allow to perform common actions for all the adapters with a single entry point.

onFlysystemBeforeLoadAdapter Called before an AdapterInterface instance is created.

 * Triggered before adapter has been loaded.
 * @param   AdapterInterface  $adapter  Adapter being instatiated
 * @return  void
public function onFlysystemBeforeLoadAdapter(AdapterInterface $adapter)

onFlysystemAfterLoadAdapter Called after an AdapterInterface instance has been created.

 * Triggered after adapter has been loaded.
 * @param   AdapterInterface  $adapter  Adapter being instatiated
 * @return  void
public function onFlysystemAfterLoadAdapter(AdapterInterface $adapter)

Custom events

onFlysystemBeforeLoadDropboxAdapter Called before a Dropbox adapter instance has been created.

 * Triggered before adapter has been loaded.
 * @param   Dropbox  $adapter  Adapter being instatiated
 * @param   Client   $client   Client to connect to Dropbox
 * @param   string   $prefix   Optional prefix.
 * @return  void
public function onFlysystemBeforeLoadDropboxAdapter(Dropbox $adapter, Client $client, string &$prefix)

onFlysystemAfterLoadDropboxAdapter Called after a Dropbox adapter instance has been created.

 * Triggered after adapter has been loaded.
 * @param   Dropbox  $adapter  Adapter being instatiated
 * @param   Client   $client   Client to connect to Dropbox
 * @param   string   $prefix   Optional prefix.
 * @return  void
public function onFlysystemAfterLoadDropboxAdapter(Dropbox $adapter, Client $client, string $prefix)