jlayout($layoutId, $basePath = null, $options = null)

Create an instance of \Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout to use it inside a twig layout .

  1. Parameters
  2. Returns
  3. Examples


  • string $layoutId Dot separated path to the layout file, relative to base path.
  • string $basePath [optional] Base path to use when loading layout files.
  • mixed $options [optional] Custom options to load. Registry or array format.


\Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout FileLayout instance.


{#  Create a layout instance of `joomla.system.message` to render some dynamically generated messages #}
{% set data = { 
		'msgList' : {
			'error' : [
				'Something went wrong. Ask help to @mbabker',
				'Still broken. Contact OSM?'
			'info' : [
				'Using Twig inside Joomla! is cool'
{% set layout = jlayout('joomla.system.message') %}
{{ layout.render(data)|raw }}