jtext($string, $jsSafe = false, $interpretBackSlashes = true, $script = false)

This function is a proxy of Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_(). It allows to use translatable strings inside twig layouts.

  1. Parameters
  2. Returns
  3. Examples


  • string $string The string to translate.
  • mixed $jsSafe Boolean: Make the result javascript safe.
  • boolean $interpretBackSlashes To interpret backslashes (\=\, \n=carriage return, \t=tabulation).
  • boolean $script To indicate that the string will be push in the javascript language store:


string The translated string or the key if $script is true.


{#  Display the translation of the JENABLED language string. It will display something like:
	"Something is enabled" #}
Something is {{ jtext('JENABLED') }}